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"Renaissance": An 8-Week VIP Intensive

A new dawn awaits you through a dynamic soul rebirthing into your aligned original blueprint!

2 hrLocation 1

Service Description

*Renaissance is an 8-week VIP intensive program designed to elevate your consciousness, align you with your soul's blueprint, and provide deep healing and transformation. Working privately with a cosmic master healer and mentor, you will experience a multitude of benefits throughout the program. *Benefits: -Elevation to a higher level of consciousness -Alignment with your soul's blueprint through the assistance of your over-soul guide -Multilevel soul healing, changing the molecular structure of your DNA for proper integration of ascension codes and original blueprint codices -Living life in magical alignment with your soul's purpose and joy -Discovery of your unique soul talents and guidance on how to use them -Restoration of your spiritual connection to the source, self-love, and emotional healing -Healing and resolution of pain that causes you to forget your purpose -Dynamic recovery of emotions through deep purging from energy-sucking relationships -Restoration of your soul's original blueprint through divine guidance -Access to a follow up support and mentoring network through an exclusive, private 24/7 global online support group I monitor daily and bi-monthly Skype group support calls everyone so loves! These include teaching, healing, Q&A's, community co-creation and non-judgemental fellowship. *Who is it for? The program is designed for female healers, spiritual leaders, and business owners seeking restoration of their true, sovereign selves, unique soul talents, and purpose. The program aims to help with deconstructing black magic influences, deliverance from evil, deep-level multidimensional trauma healing, mending of fragmented souls, implant removal, and attachment resolution. *Pain Points Addressed -Unexplainable events causing discord -Repeated decisions that disrupt rather than enrich life (karmic loops) -Decisions based on fear -Frustration regarding life purpose and innate soul talents -Energetic blockages or attacks from unseen sources -Struggles with building a spiritual-based business connected to multiple social media platforms -Difficulty building authentic relationships -Struggles with narcissists in real life -Coping with fear of failure and self-doubt -Struggles with self-care and burnout relief -Maintaining authenticity and releasing imposter syndrome *Program Format -The program is conducted through Skype for 1 on 1 sessions, email, and an exclusive support group hosted on "Signal" an app. (see details of B4 Federation)

Contact Details

  • +19897089093

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